Smart Home Systems


What is a Smart Home?

A Smart Home is not simply a collection of internet connected things with apps to control them. In fact, making things “smart” in this way is generally just more complicated and unecceserry. We believe a smart home should automate things so you don’t have to think about it. Your home should make decisions about energy saving and comfort so that you can enjoy your time there without adjusting anything, which could save you energy compared to traditional timers and manual systems. Of course, you should be able to change settings from anywhere too, because that’s smart.

One hub to control them all

We build our smart home hubs using Home Assistant. A popular, open source system that can control almost any other smart product on the market. This means most other products don’t need their own app to control, and advanced automation decisions can be made using one web app.

So smart, you forget it's there

Automation is a very powerful thing, and the more your smart home can sense and control, the more it can do things for you.

luggage, tv, interiors

Smart Meets Traditional

One of the drawbacks with smart systems so far is they have either plugged into your existing fittings, meaning the switches on the wall stop working as they should, or you need complex new wireing and control gear that is very expensive and hard to install.

Not anymore! We can make your existing lights and switches smart, either as switches or smart dimmers. These can then be controlled both from the smart hub and using the wall switch, even if the hub goes offline.